University of Galway
Genel Bilgiler
University of Galway, 1845 yılında kurulmuş köklü bir eğitim kurumudur. Başlangıçta Belfast, Cork ve Galway’deki Queen’s College olarak bilinen okullar, 1850 yılında Queen’s University of Ireland adı altında birleşmiştir. Daha sonra 1880 yılında, İrlanda Kraliyet Üniversitesi, bu eski üniversitelerin derece verme yetkilerini devralmıştır. Ayrıca, daha önce Katolik Üniversitesi tarafından verilen University College Dublin ve St. Patrick’s College, Maynoothdiplomaları da resmen tanınmıştır.
175 yıllık geçmişiyle University of Galway, araştırma odaklı ve yenilikçi yapısıyla uluslararası bir üne sahiptir. Üniversite, köklü akademik geçmişiyle İrlanda’nın eğitim ve bilim alanındaki en saygın kurumlarından biri olarak öne çıkmaktadır.
Galway, İrlanda’nın dördüncü büyük şehri olup kültür, sanat ve festivalleriyle tanınan kozmopolit bir yerleşim yeridir. Bu dinamik şehir, hem öğrencilere hem de akademisyenlere yaratıcı ve ilham verici bir ortam sunmaktadır.
Sunulan Programlar
Undergraduate Programlar;
- Agricultural Science
- Arts
- Arts (Children and Youth Studies) Overview
- Arts (Children's Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Child, Youth and Family: Policy and Practice)
- Bachelor of Arts (Digital Arts and Technology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (English and Creative Writing)
- Bachelor of Arts (Film & Digital Media)
- Bachelor of Arts (Global Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts (Global Languages)
- Bachelor of Arts (Global Media)
- Bachelor of Arts (History)
- Bachelor of Arts (Journalism)
- Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics and Education)
- Bachelor of Arts (Music)
- Bachelor of Arts Education (Computer Science and Mathematical Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts with Children's Studies
- Bachelor of Arts with Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts with Performing Arts Studies
- Bachelor of Science (Podiatric Medicine)
- Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
- Bachelor of Science (Social Science)
- Bachelor of Science in Geography and Geosystems
- BComm in International Hotel Management
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Science
- Biopharmaceutical Chemistry
- Biotechnology
- Business Information Systems
- Business Studies (International Hotel Management)
- Civil Engineering
- Commerce
- Commerce (Global Experience)
- Commerce with Accounting
- Commerce with French
- Commerce with Gaeilge
- Commerce with German
- Commerce with Spanish
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Cumarsáid agus Gaeilge
- Earth and Ocean Sciences
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Electronic and Computer Engineering
- Energy Systems Engineering
- Engineering (Undenominated)
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Environmental Science
- Financial Mathematics and Economics
- Genetics and Genomics
- Government (Politics, Economics and Law)
- Law (BCL)
- Law (BCL) and Human Rights
- Law (BCL), Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Law and Business
- Law and Taxation
- Marine Science
- Mathematical Science
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medicine (Surgery & Obstetrics)
- Mental Health Nursing
- Midwifery Science
- Nursing Science (General)
- Occupational Therapy
- Physics, Astrophysics, Biomedical, Theoretical
- Project and Construction Management
- Science (Bachelor)
- Speech and Language Therapy
Postgraduate Programlar;
- Accounting (Master of)
- Adolescent Health (MSc)
- Advanced Healthcare Practice and Research (MSc)
- Advanced Language Skills (MA)
- Advanced Practice Midwifery (MSc)
- Ageing and Public Policy (MSc) Full-time and Part-time
- AgInnovation: Agricultural Innovation & Entrepreneurship (MSc)
- AgriFood Sustainability & Technology (MSc)
- Applied Behaviour Analysis (MSc)
- Applied Mathematics (HDipAppSc)
- Applied Multilingualism (MSc)
- Archaeology (HDip, full-time or part-time)
- Ardscileanna Gaeilge do Mhúinteoirí (Teastas Iarchéime)
- Art and Ecology (MA, MFA)
- Astronomical Instrumentation and Technology (Structured MSc)
- Ateangaireacht Chomhdhála (MA/Diop)/(Conference Interpreting)
- Biodiversity & Land-Use Planning (MSc) via blended learning
- Biomedical Engineering (ME)
- Biomedical Engineering (MSc)
- Biomedical Genomics (MSc)
- Biomedical Science (MSc)
- Biotechnology (MSc)
- Business Analytics (MSc)
- Business and Hospitality (MSc)
- Cardiac Rehabilitation (PgCert)
- Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (MSc)
- Cellular Manufacturing and Therapy (MSc)
- Cheminformatics and Toxicology (MSc)
- Child, Youth and Community (MA, PDip)
- Childhood Speech, Language & Communication Needs (MSc)
- Children's Palliative Care/Complex Care (MHSc/PDip)
- Civil Engineering (ME)
- Cleachtas Gairmiúil sna Meáin (MA/Diop)
- Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (MSc)
- Clinical Education (Master of, PDip/Cert)
- Clinical Neuroscience (MSc)
- Clinical Psychology (Doctor of Psychological Science)
- Clinical Psychology (for Qualified Clinicians)–DPsychSc
- Clinical Research (MSc, full-time and part-time)
- Coastal & Marine Environments: Physical Processes, Policy & Practice (MSc) (full-time)
- Computer Science—Artificial Intelligence (MSc)
- Computer Science—Artificial Intelligence (MSc, online, part-time)
- Computer Science—Data Analytics (MSc)
- Conference Interpreting (MA/PDip)
- Consumer Psychology (MSc, PDip)
- Corporate Finance (MSc)
- Creative Arts: Producing and Curation (MA)
- Culture and Colonialism (MA)
- Data Analytics and Visualisation (Higher Diploma)
- Diabetes (Medicine) (MSc)
- Diabetes (Nursing) (MHSc/PDipHSc)
- Digital Cultures (MA)
- Digital Marketing (MSc)
- Digital Media (MA/PDip)
- Digital Transformation (PDip)
- Drama and Theatre Studies (MA/PDip) [full-time, part-time]
- Economic Science (HDip)
- Education
- Education (Professional Master)
- Education (Special and Inclusive Education)
- Education Leadership (MEd)
- Education Studies (PDip)
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering (ME)
- Electronic & Computer Engineering (ME)
- Energy Systems Engineering (ME)
- English (MA)
- Environment, Society, and Development (MA)
- Environmental Leadership (MSc)
- Exercise Physiology and its Application in Therapy (MSc)
- Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation (MSc)
- Family Support Studies (MA/PDip)
- Film Production and Direction (MA/PDip)
- Film Studies: Theory and Practice (MA/PDip)
- Financial Analysis (HDip)
- Fine Art (Post Baccalaureate [HDip])
- Fine Art in Studio Art (Master of)
- French (MA)
- Genomics Data Science (MSc)
- German Literature/Language (MA)
- Global Environmental Economics (MSc)
- Global Media and Communication (MA)
- Global Women's Studies: Gender, Globalisation and Rights (MA, full-time, part-time)
- Health Economics (MSc)
- Health Promotion (Cardiovascular Health and Diabetes Prevention) (PgCert)
- Health Promotion (MA/PDip & full-time or part-time)
- Health Promotion (Wellness Workplace) (PgCert)
- Health Psychology (MSc)
- Healthcare Simulation and Patient Safety (MSc, PDipSc)
- History (MA/PDip) [full-time/part-time]
- Human Resource Management (MSc)
- Information Systems Management (MSc)
- Innovation Management (PDip)
- International & Comparative Business Law (LLM)
- International Accounting and Analytics (MSc)
- International Accounting and Analytics—Pathway A (MSc)
- International Accounting and Analytics—Pathway B (MSc)
- International and Comparative Disability Law and Policy (LLM)
- International Contemporary Literatures and Media (MA)
- International Criminal Law (LLM)
- International Finance (MEconSc)
- International Human Rights (LLM)
- International Management (MSc)
- International Marketing and Entrepreneurship (MSc)
- International Migration and Refugee Law and Policy (LLM)
- Interventional Cardiovascular Medicine
- Irish Studies—Literature & History (MA, full-time or part-time)
- Irish Studies—Literature & Music (MA) (full-time and part-time)
- Irish Theatre History & Archives (MA/PDip)
- Journalism (MA)
- Key Enabling Technologies (Structured Masters)
- Landscape Archaeology (MA)
- Literature and Publishing (MA)
- LLB (Bachelor of Laws)
- LLM (General)
- Marine and Freshwater Resources: Management (MSc)
- Marketing Management (MSc, full-time or part-time)
- Marketing Practice (MSc)
- Master of Business Administration (EMBA, PDip, part-time)
- Master/Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences (Wound Healing and Tissue Repair)
- Mathematics (HDip)
- Mathematics (MA/MSc/PDip/HDipAppSc)
- Mathematics (MSc)
- Mathematics (MSc, HDipAppSc)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Mechanical Engineering (MSc)
- Medical Physics (MSc)
- Medical Technologies Regulatory Affairs and Operations (Online) [Certificate]
- Medical Technology Regulatory Affairs (MSc)
- Medical Technology Regulatory Affairs and Quality (Cert)
- Medical Technology Regulatory Affairs and Quality (HDip)
- Medieval Studies (MA)
- Mental Health Promotion (PgCert)
- Multidisciplinary Radiology (MSc/PDip)
- Neuropharmacology (MSc)
- Nua-Ghaeilge (MA)
- Nursing Education (Master of Health Sciences)
- Nursing Education (PDip)
- Nursing: Acute Medicine (MHSc/PDip)
- Nursing: Advanced Practice Nursing (MSc)
- Nursing: Advanced Practice with Prescribing (PDip)
- Nursing: Emergency Care (MHSc/PDip)
- Nursing: Gerontology (Master/PDip in Health Sciences)
- Nursing: Intensive Care (MHSc/PDip)
- Nursing: Midwifery (HDip)
- Nursing: Nurse/Midwife Prescribing (Certificate in)
- Nursing: Oncology and Haematology (MHSc/PDip)
- Nursing: Palliative Care (MHSc/PDip)
- Nursing: Perioperative (Master/PDip in Health Sciences)
- Nursing—Public Health Nursing (Master Health Science)
- Obesity (MSc)
- Obesity (Nursing) (MHSc/PDip)
- Occupational and Environmental Health & Safety (MSc/HDip, full-time/part-time)
- Occupational Health & Safety Top-Up (MSc)
- Old and Middle Irish (MA full-time, part-time)
- Peace Operations, Humanitarian Law and Conflict (LLM)
- Playwriting & Dramaturgy (MA/Pip)
- Podiatric Medicine (MSc)
- Politics and Sociology (MA)
- Preventive Cardiology (MSc)
- Psychology—Conversion (HDipA)
- Psychology—Full (HDipA)
- Public Advocacy and Activism (MA/PDip)
- Public Policy (MA, PDip)
- Regenerative Medicine (MSc)
- Rural Futures Planning and Innovation (MA)
- Social Work (MA)
- Social Work Practice Teaching, Supervision & Management (PDip)
- Software Design and Development (MSc, HDip; MSc "External" stream)
- Software Design and Development—Industry Stream (HDip)
- Software Engineering (Diploma)
- Software Engineering and Database Technologies (MSc)
- Spanish (MA)
- Special Educational Needs (PDip)
- Sports Journalism and Communication (MA)
- Strategy, Innovation and People Management (MSc)
- Surgery, Masters in (MCh)
- Sustainable Environments (MSc)
- Sustainable Resource Management: Policy and Practice, inter-institutional programme (MSc)
- TechInnovation (Distance Education) (MSc)
- Technology Commercialisation (PDip)
- Technology Management (MSc)
- Theatre Practice and Production (MA/PDip)—(full-time)
- Toxicology (MSc)
- Translation Studies (MA)
- Values & Knowledge (Philosophy)(MA)
- Writing (MA)
Kabul Kriterleri
Lisans Programları İçin Başvuru Koşulları
- Lise Transkripti: Minimum 3.5/5.0 GPA.
- Lise Diploması
- Pasaport: Geçerli bir pasaportun kopyası.
- Niyet Mektubu: Adayın kendisini tanıttığı ve motivasyonunu anlattığı, 800 kelimeyi aşmayan bir yazı.
- Tavsiye Mektupları: 2 adet referans mektubu.
- İngilizce Dil Belgesi: IELTS veya TOEFL skorunun sunulması gereklidir.
- Bölüme Özel Gereksinimler: Bazı bölümlerin kendine özgü ek koşulları olabilir.
Yüksek Lisans Programları İçin Başvuru Koşulları
- Lisans Transkripti: Minimum 2.5/4.0 GPA.
- Lisans Diploması
- Niyet Mektubu: Adayın kendisini ve hedeflerini anlattığı, 800 kelimeyi geçmeyen bir yazı.
- Tavsiye Mektupları: 2 adet referans mektubu.
- İngilizce Dil Belgesi: IELTS veya TOEFL skorunun sunulması gerekmektedir.
- Bölüme Özel Gereksinimler: Bazı bölümlerin ek başvuru koşulları bulunabilir.
Başvuru Tarihleri
Öğrencilerin başvurularını tamamlamaları için son tarih 31 Temmuz'dur.
Program Ücretleri
Program | Senelik Eğitim Ücret Aralığı |
Undergraduate * | €16,540 - €24,500 |
Postgraduate | €16,076 - €17,440 |
* Medicine (Surgery & Obstetrics) lisans programının senelik eğitim ücreti €50,135 olarak duyurulmuştur.
University of Galway senelik eğitim ücretleri bölüm bazlı olarak değişiklik göstermektedir. Detaylı ücret bilgisi için bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
Burs Olanakları
2024/25 dönemlerinde uluslararası öğrenciler için, €10,000'a kadar çeşitli başarı bursları ve €7,640'a kadar başarı bursları mevcuttur.
Konaklama Tipleri
On Campus Accomodation
- Corrib Village: Oda tipine bağlı olarak yıllık konaklama ücreti €3,750 - €6,050 arasında değişmektedir.
- Goldcrest Village: Oda tipine bağlı olarak yıllık konaklama ücreti €6,760 - €6,942 arasında değişmektedir.
Sanal Tur
Sokak Görüntüsü