Trinity College Dublin
Genel Bilgiler
İrlanda’nın en prestijli üniversitelerinden biri olan Trinity College Dublin, ülkenin en iyi üniversitesi olarak gösterilir ve dünya çapında 101. sırada yer alır (QS World University Rankings 2021). 1592 yılında kurulan bu köklü eğitim kurumu, akademik mükemmeliyet, yenilikçi araştırmalar ve bilimsel gelişmelere katkılarıyla tarihte önemli bir yer edinmiştir.
Dublin’in tam kalbinde, tarihi dokusuyla dikkat çeken bir kampüste bulunan Trinity College Dublin (diğer adıyla The University of Dublin), üç fakültesi bünyesinde—Sanat, Beşeri Bilimler ve Sosyal Bilimler; Mühendislik, Matematik ve Fen Bilimleri; Sağlık Bilimleri—18.000’den fazla lisans ve lisansüstü öğrenciye ev sahipliği yapmaktadır.
Üniversitenin merkez kampüsü, Trinity Technology and Enterprise Campus ile birlikte toplamda 51 dönümlük geniş bir alana yayılmaktadır.
Ranking Bilgileri
İrlanda’nın en prestijli üniversitelerinden biri olan Trinity College Dublin, ulusal ve uluslararası akademik sıralamalarda güçlü bir konumda yer almaktadır.
Genel Üniversite Sıralamaları
- QS World University Rankings 2021: Trinity College Dublin, İrlanda üniversiteleri arasında 1. sırada.
- QS World University Rankings 2020/21: Üniversite, dünya çapında 101. sırada.
- Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021: Dünyanın en uluslararası üniversiteleri arasında 8. sırada.
Mezun İstihdamı ve Yenilikçilik
- QS World University Rankings for Graduate Employability 2020:
- "Employer reputation and alumni outcomes" kategorisinde İrlanda’nın en iyisi.
- Reuters Most Innovative European Universities 2019:
- Avrupa’nın en girişimci üniversitesi olarak üst üste 6 yıl birinci.
Alan Bazlı Sıralamalar (QS Subject Rankings 2021)
- English Language and Literature – 25. sıra
- Classics and Ancient History – 29. sıra
- Pharmacy and Pharmacology – 37. sıra
- Nursing – 46. sıra
Buna ek olarak, 51-100 aralığında yer alan 13 bölümü bulunmaktadır:
- Tarih (History)
- Modern Diller (Modern Languages)
- Sahne Sanatları (Performing Arts)
- İlahiyat ve Din Çalışmaları (Theology, Divinity & Religious Studies)
- Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Bilişim Sistemleri (Computer Science & Information Systems)
- Biyolojik Bilimler (Biological Sciences)
- Kimya (Chemistry)
- Malzeme Bilimi (Materials Science)
- Eğitim (Education)
- Hukuk (Law)
- Siyaset ve Uluslararası İlişkiler (Politics & International Studies)
- Sosyal Politika ve Yönetim (Social Policy & Administration)
- Felsefe (Philosophy)
Trinity College Dublin, akademik mükemmeliyeti, uluslararası başarısı ve mezunlarının istihdam olanaklarıyla dünya çapında saygın bir konumda yer almaya devam etmektedir.
Sunulan Programlar
Trinity College Dublin Undergraduate Programları;
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Acting
- Ancient History and Archaeology (JH)
- Ancient and Medieval History and Culture
- Business Studies and French
- Business Studies and German
- Business Studies and Polish
- Business Studies and Russian
- Business Studies and Spanish
- Business, Economics and Social Studies
- Classical Civilisation (JH)
- Classical Languages (JH)
- Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology
- Clinical Speech and Language Studies
- Deaf Studies
- Diploma in Acting and Theatre
- Diploma in History of European Painting
- Drama Studies (JH)
- Drama and Theatre Studies
- Early and Modern Irish
- Economics (JH)
- English Literature (JH)
- English Studies
- European Studies
- Film
- Film Studies (JH)
- French (JH)
- German (JH)
- Global Business (Bachelor in Business Studies)
- History
- History (JH)
- History of Art and Architecture
- History of Art and Architecture (JH)
- Irish (JH)
- Italian (JH)
- Law
- Law (JH)
- Law and Business
- Law and French
- Law and German
- Law and Political Science
- Linguistics (JH)
- Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations (JH)
- Middle Eastern and European Languages and Cultures
- Modern Language (JH)
- Music
- Music (JH)
- Music Education
- Philosophy
- Philosophy (JH)
- Philosophy Political Science Economics and Sociology
- Political Science (JH)
- Psychology
- Religion
- Religion (JH)
- Russian (JH)
- Social Policy (JH)
- Social Studies
- Sociology (JH)
- Spanish (JH)
- Stage Management and Technical Theatre
Engineering, Mathematics and Science
- Biochemistry: Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Biomedical engineering
- Botany: Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Chemical Sciences
- Chemistry with Biosciences: Chemical Sciences
- Chemistry with Molecular Modelling: Chemical Sciences
- Chemistry: Chemical Sciences
- Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering
- Computer Science
- Computer Science (JH)
- Computer Science Linguistics and a Language
- Computer engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Electronic and Computer Engineering (joint programme)
- Engineering
- Engineering with Management
- Environmental Science and Engineering
- Environmental Sciences: Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Genetics: Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Geography (JH)
- Geography and Geoscience
- Geography: Geography and Geoscience
- Geoscience: Geography and Geoscience
- Human Genetics: Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Immunology: Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Management Science and Information Systems Studies
- Mathematics
- Mathematics (JH)
- Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
- Medicinal Chemistry: Chemical Sciences
- Microbiology: Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Molecular Medicine: Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Nanoscience: Chemical Sciences
- Nanoscience: Physical Sciences
- Neuroscience: Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Physical Sciences
- Physics and Astrophysics: Physical Sciences
- Physics: Physical Sciences
- Physiology: Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Science
- Theoretical Physics
- Zoology: Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Health Sciences
- Dental Hygiene
- Dental Nursing
- Dental Science
- Dental Technology
- Human Health and Disease
- Human Nutrition and Dietetics (Joint Degree)
- Integrated Children's and General Nursing
- Medicine
- Midwifery
- Nursing - General Nursing
- Nursing - General Nursing Adelaide
- Nursing - Intellectual Disability Nursing
- Nursing - Mental Health Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy - Graduate Entry to Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy
- Radiation Therapy
Trinity College Dublin Postgraduate Programları;
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Courses
- School of Business
- School of Creative Arts (Drama, Film and Music)
- School of Education
- School of English
- School of Histories and Humanities
- School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies
- School of Law
- School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences
- School of Psychology
- School of Religion
- School of Social Sciences and Philosophy
- School of Social Work and Social Policy
Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- School of Biochemistry and Immunology
- School of Chemistry
- School of Computer Science and Statistics
- School of Engineering
- School of Genetics and Microbiology
- School of Mathematics
- School of Natural Sciences
- School of Physics
Faculty of Health Sciences Courses
- School of Dental Science
- School of Medicine
- School of Nursing and Midwifery
- School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kabul Kriterleri
International Foundation Programme:
- IELTS 5.0 (Writing 5.0 ve 4.5 altında band olmadan)
Duolingo 80/160 - Lise Diploması 4/5 ya da %70 GPA
- TOEFL: Paper-based 570 (TWE 4.5 olacak şekilde) / Computer-based 233 (Essay 4.5 olacak şekilde) / Internet-based 90 (Written 21 olacak şekilde.)
IELTS (academic version): 6.5 (6.0 altında band olmadan) / Dental Programlar - Clinical Speech ve Language Studies için 7.0 (7.0 altında band olmadan) - International Foundation Programme / GCE A Levels / International Baccalaureate / US High School Diploma with SAT or ACT
- 2021 dönemi başvuruları için adayların 15 Ocak 2005 öncesi doğmuş olmaları gerekmektedir.
Postgraduate Entry Requirements
- TOEFL: Internet-based 88 / Paper-based 570 / Computer-based 230
IELTS: 6.5
Duolingo 110/160 - Lisans Diploması 2.1/4 GPA ya da üzeri
Bölüm bazlı başvuru koşulları hakkında detaylı bilgi sahibi olmak için lütfen bizimle iletişime geçiniz.
Program Ücretleri
Lisans | Eğitim Ücreti |
Computer Engineering | €26,985 |
Economics (Joint Honours) | €20,609 |
Global Business | €18,850 |
Law | €20,609 |
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering | €26,985 |
Physiology | €26,985 |
Yüksek Lisans | Eğitim Ücreti |
Applied Psychology | €21,428 |
Business Administration (M.B.A.) | €35,800 |
Engineering | €24,669 |
Law & Finance | €20,100 |
Marketing | €20,100 |
Sustainable Energy | €16,580 |
Burs Olanakları
Trinity College Dublin'in uluslararası öğrenciler için sunduğu burs imkanları ve başvuru koşulları hakkında bilgi almak için lütfen bizimle işetişime geçiniz.
Sokak Görüntüsü